Break out your dashing B. Spoke Tailors wool finery, smartly set that cap on your head, straighten your tie, and join us for a fine ride through the grand city of San Francisco!
We will sally forth from the gorgeous Dolores Park near the majestic bell at the 19th Street entrance. The ride will begin at 6:30 pm and from there we will peddle a winding course through the streets — waving to all the beautiful faces we see along the way.
Of course as it is February, it may be brisk out and maybe even a little wet, but your wool knickers, waxed cotton raincoats, and recycled wool armwarmers, legwarmers, and helme hats should keep you warm and dry. However, if the cold still seeps through never fear as our destination is Irish coffee at the marvelous Tosca Cafe.
More info: http://catcubed.com/2009/01/28/thursday-tweed-ride-feb-12th/
Pics from the London Tweed Run: http://www.flickr.com/photos/roxysreal/sets/72157612934832373/
Great blog